Friday, August 2, 2013

Final Paper

Ileanna Zaballa
How well do the education systems of Spain, Germany, and the United States address the needs of a multi-cultural and diverse classroom? 
Our group’s interest lies in uncovering the reasons why certain groups of students are treated differently both within and across school systems.  We are also interested in finding out how discrimination across different modes of education affects pupils’ development and progression into later stages of life.  In an increasingly globalized and diverse world, countries have to deal with a wider variety of students.  Different schools, teachers, and societies have reacted in different ways, which have differential effects on each type of student.  Each one of us will investigate four different areas of interest relating to education: different teaching styles, differential treatment in special education programs, the effectiveness of immigration support programs, and the impact of discrimination based on gender and sexuality.  Then, we will all come together and compare and contrast varying degrees of disparities in education among Germany, Spain, and the United States. 
Octavio will study how teachers are trained in each country.  He will specifically point our advantages and disadvantages to each type of teacher training and relate them back to their effect on students. He will see which teaching styles are the most effective at creating equal opportunity for all students.
Roxana will study how governments and civil society help immigrant students integrate into society at large.  She will evaluate the depth and breadth of programs aimed to help immigrants adjust to life in a new country.  She will see what is effective and what is not in order to determine what the ideal way to bring education closer to its intended meritocracy.
Mitchell will study LGBTQ discrimination within school systems across Germany, Spain, and the Untied States.  He will see what policies are most effective in helping LGBTQ youth achieve full integration into larger society.  He will look at the roots in homophobia, how it affects LGBTQ youth, and how education systems can best address the situation to ensure that LGBTQ youth have the opportunity to take full advantage of the education system.
I will study how education systems in different countries handle children who have autism.  Having worked with students with autism before, I hope to discover the strengths and weaknesses of each country’s programs for autism.  I want to know which countries are most effective at leveling the playing field and how they came to do so.
Beginning with the Ancient Greeks, education has served as a way to teach students the values of society. It has primarily functioned as a meritocracy, measuring student’s intellectual ability and then rewarding those that did well. Ideally, each student would have an equal opportunity to succeed. Today, many education systems function in the same way, supporting the intellectually gifted. However, success is not equally attainable for all students. The barriers and opportunities available depend on the policies and culture of each country.
In the United States, the education system varies by state. The path of education advances from primary to secondary school and then to college or vocational school. Curriculum is organized by the state and the federal government as well as the state governments’ organized standardized tests.
    Spain has a similar system where students advance through the same stages (primary, secondary, etc.). However, after the age of 16, only successful students are awarded a Secondary Education Certificate, which is necessary for them to continue on to university. This has resulted in Spain having double the mean of the EU’s dropout rate (Simon). Furthermore, students are not assessed through standardized tests (Simon).

The educational system varies throughout Germany because each state implements its own educational policies; the federal government plays only a minor role. Optional Kindergarten education is provided for all children between two and six years of age, after which school attendance is compulsory. The German school system is free and compulsory until 9th grade. After the Grundschule (primary school from the ages 6- 10), teachers recommend each student for one of three different types of secondary education. Parents have the final decision about which school their child will attend. Hauptschule is designed for students going into trades such as construction. This is completed after 9th or 10th grade (ages 14 to 16). During apprenticeships, students then attend Berufsschule, a dual-education vocational high school. The Hauptschule has been subject to significant criticism, as it tends to segregate the children of immigrants with schoolmates whose German is also poor, leading to a cycle of poverty. Realschule is designed for students who want to apprentice for white-collar jobs not requiring university studies, such as banking; complete after 10th grade (age 15 to 16). Those who change their minds and decide to attend university can proceed after testing to Gymnasium. Some areas of Germany combine Realschule and Hauptschule under one organizational and educational umbrella. Gymnasium is an academic preparatory school for pupils planning to attend universities or polytechnics. Some offer a classical education (Latin, Greek), while others concentrate on economics. The curriculum leading to the Abitur degree were recently reduced from 13th grade to 12th grade (ages 17 to 18 - "G8," eight years of Gymnasium). In order to attend Gymnasium, students must obtain a letter of recommendation from their previous teachers. The Gesamtschule, a mixed ability school, puts all pupils in a single building, combining the three main types; these are still quite rare.
Students with special needs are assigned to Förderschule. These are partially integrated with non-handicapped students and they vary depending on the type of disability (Bonn 2012). In the system, there are many more types of specialized schools for vocational, teacher and academic training. After intense written and oral examinations, students can attend university. While there, they work towards a Bachelor’s Degree and some continue to a Master’s or a PhD. After this, students enter the job market.

My question of focus related to autism in the classroom is:

What are the disparities between the services and assistance schools says they should provide and what is actually implemented on the ground level?

Autism is a complex neurological disorder that affects the way a person thinks, behaves, communicates and interacts with others. Autism is a spectrum disorder. This means it affects some children mildly and affects other children much more. It has been said that " If you know one person with autism, you know ONE person with autism (Kluth, 2003). It is highly unlikely that two individuals with autism will be affected in the same way. Because autism affects individuals differently it is unlikely that one intervention approach will help all individuals. The main characteristics related to ASD: language deficits, lack of social awareness and skills, and sensory integration differences.  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identify around 1 in 88 American children as on the autism spectrum; this increase is only partly explained by improved diagnosis and awareness (Autism Speaks).
           Theories about inclusion shaped the framework for which I undertook research and analyzed data. An argument against inclusive education is that with an increasing emphasis on tests and grades, an extremely flexible classroom meant to accommodate a range of learners makes teaching to the test incredibly difficult. In segregated classrooms students have the possibility of receiving more 1 to 1 attention which can aid them in reaching their potential. However the potential benefits from inclusive education are that it teaches students lessons that cannot be evaluated by grades or standardized testing: social acceptance, relationship-building, and equitable attitudes among future generations. I believe that equal access to education is a basic human right. Implications of integrated education for students with ASD include improvement of the quality of life through development and implementation of successful inclusion programs that will carry over the lesson of tolerance, communication, and socialization into the daily lives of both students with ASD and their general. These are lessons that carry over into the adult lives of all students and enables students with ASD to remain active and socially connected within their communities as adults (Quinn).
In the United States, IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, establishes the minimum supports and services schools must provide to meet minimum requirements. The federal law governs how states provide early intervention, special education, and related services. It also ensures free appropriate public education in their local school district from age 3 to age 18 or 21. In order for states to receive federal funds, their schools must meet the eligibility funding criteria of IDEA. States may exceed the requirements and provide more services. They cannot, however, provide fewer services or promulgate state regulations or practices that contradict the guidelines of IDEA.. Students with ASD have a right to related supports and services to help them learn and receive the maximum benefit from their educational programs.  If a student needs any of these "related services" to benefit from his/her education, they must be written into the IEP, Individualized Education Program. Frequency and duration of services, as well as relevant measurable objectives, should be included.

In Spain, the public administrations give students the necessary support from the beginning of their education or as soon as they are diagnosed as having special needs. The schools develop the curriculum for the student based on their needs and characteristics. They also develop an educational project, where the objectives and educational priorities are established along with the implementation procedures. The student’s education support should be in congruity with non discrimination, educational normalization, with the purpose of achieving their inclusion. Professional teams take into account parents’ and teachers’ opinions to integrate students in mainstream groups, in specialised classrooms within mainstream schools, or in special education schools.

In Germany, they are making strides towards inclusive teaching. The education system is setup so as students must earn their right to return to mainstream schools. The education authority makes the decision on whether to transfer a student following a request from Sonderschulen or from the parents. Students at special can be admitted to a Grunschule or Hauptschule if there is a chance that they will be able to “cope with lessons and achieve success”. Special education is classified with concern for the students special educational requirements into the following categories: blind, visually impaired, deaf, hearing impaired, mentally disabled, physically disabled, students with learning difficulties, students with behavioral problems, students with impaired speech, students with a disease. Preventative measures and co-operation in early intervention are becoming more and more important. “Students facing the threat of disability receive preventive  assistance to help counteract the emergence of disability.” This conveys the idea that having a disability makes one subhuman and that it can and should be avoided.
The topic is relevant because Autism is becoming increasingly prevalent. In the United States 1 in 88 children are diagnosed with Autism. An evaluation of how effective the education system is in providing relevant services for children with ASD is important.

My methodologies included guest lectures, close reading of texts, and interviews. The combination of the three methods really helped to give me a greater understanding of what I was researching and why it was important. The guest lectures we had scheduled turned out to be such a valuable resource. We had the opportunity to hear from many teachers, a handful of professors, and other professionals. The lecture about German Education structure helped me better understand the school system and also made me realize how easy it is for a student to get forgotten in the midst of this rigorous merit based system. A great strength about guest lectures was that I had the opportunity to follow up and interview these resources. Often time the lecturer was able to connect me to other resources they thought would be helpful. The art of networking derived from this method. A weakness was that sometimes the lecturers contradicted one another. For example one lecturer provided an optimistic view of the education system and another provided a more jaded view. They both were great sources of authority so it was difficult to distinguish which better reflected reality. I also did close readings of scholarly articles I found through PSYCINFO. Some of the keywords I searched to find my sources were: autism, mainstream, segregated, placement, and education. An asset of doing close readings was that the articles helped me develop the types of question I wanted to ask.  For example one of the articles discussed how students with autism struggle to socially integrate with their peers, which influenced me to inquire on the matter. A flaw of the method was that a lot of pertinent articles I found were outdated by 15 years so I had to really search for contemporary research. I had the privilege of interviewing many teachers, parents of students with ASD, workers of unemployment centers, people whose lives were touched by an individual with ASD, and other members of society.  I asked everyone I interviewed if they had a child with autism, which classroom would they want their child to be placed in. I asked teachers if they had any training within their education to work with special needs students. And finally I asked parents of students with ASD about their experiences with the school system. A disadvantage of the interview process was the small and potentially biased sample I gathered. The conclusions I came to are contingent on whether the individuals accurately represent a larger sample. An advantage of the interview process was that in comparison to the text I acquired a genuine understanding of what is actually happening at the ground level. I think it is easy for text to paint a picture that conveys the idyllic model, but sometimes this is radically different from the flawed reality. Another advantage was that the answers I gather from this process shaped the type of research I needed to do. For example when I asked people in Spain what classroom they would want their child to be in I was surprised to learn they either wanted a main stream classroom or a special education school, but hardly ever the special education classroom within the mainstream school. Upon reflection it is so fascinating to realize how interrelated all of my methods became.

            In Germany I had the opportunity to interview a professor who was an expert in the field of German education. He said there are debated about school systems providing equal opportunity. Germany questions whether equal opportunity will lower standards and therefore segregated. He explained how there are different opportunities for different people. He described how in Germany in order to diminish  inequalities in access to education there is now 2 school types of high school: integrated secondary school ( where disabled students attend) and Gymnasium for the elite  (a prestigious school that better prepares students for university). The recommendation on which school to attend is based on academic performance.  In Germany many special needs schools were closed which caused a “forced integration” The teachers don’t have any formal training so they don’t know how to deal with students with special needs. The sentiment of teachers who aren’t trained is they are worried and overwhelmed and asking for either the skills or for colleagues to support them. Ideally they would want 1 to 1 aids. While the opinion changes individual by individual there is a general consensus for wanting segregation again. I had the opportunity to interview a young teacher, he told me in his path to become a teacher there was not training to work with special needs. He told me about a student he had in his class who “suffered from autism” and how the student was considered a difficult student. His use of the word suffer implies that the life of the student is of constant pain or distress and it provides a very negative connotation of what it means to have autism. The student he had was exceptionally smart in physics and science, which is why he said “I got very lucky to have an autistic student like him”. He described that despite excelling academically, the student was not fully integrated in his peer group. This case study is very indicative of the norm, students with autism in mainstream classrooms often face difficulties with social integration. His opinion was that all teachers should have psychology classes implemented into their schooling. They need to learn how to work with difficult students. He discussed that while teachers are not afraid of working with students with autism they are not welcoming and teachers don’t want these students because they do not have enough resources. Teachers have such a strong focus on high standards and subjects matters and materials but they lack the skills they need to be a teacher.  Private schools are often the better choice as opposed to public schools because there is more success of getting the student into an integrated classroom. In Germany there is a lack of education and resources for student with special needs. When talking to an employer from the job center, he described how individuals with intellectual disabilities receive social welfare and they are not pushed to work, not punished for not being able to be employed. This idea creates the expectation that an individual with ASD is incapable of working when often they would love to be contributing members of society.
            In Spain I have found that the economy has eroded the resources. Overall autism is less recognized and often categorized as a psychological disability. In one interview a man told me about his colleague who has a child with autism. He was in a normal class in his pueblo, he had an assistant that would go to class with him. Then the class sizes increased, support was taken away, but he was kept in that class. Now he is pushed more and more aside where he is told to just go play while the teachers give the lessons to the rest of the students. He is being left behind because he can’t follow and keep up with this new classroom structure. This case is not uncommon as I gathered from my interviews. Spain has robbed special needs students of their right to learn and in the process are destroying education. When I asked a member of society if she knew what autism was, she only broadly recognized it, that however didn’t stop her from having an opinion. She described how private schools are the best route because the class sizes are smaller and there is more 1 to 1 attention. Some interesting quotes that I got from this interview were “Those kids.. it’s a pity… but we all hope it doesn’t happen to our kids.” “Those poor parents, that child will always be dependent. What will happen after the parents dies?” The last question is a very common worry for parents of children with autism. They worry about the welfare of their child after they pass, so I thought it was interesting that even someone who had no direct connection to autism could be so in tune. I interviewed a worker from Fet de Vidre- Centro Especial de Empleo, an employment center for special needs individuals.  They are a state supported business, yet from 2011 they have only received state funding six times. She said it was an injustice that there are no resources for special needs individuals. She also described how special needs individuals often go to trade schools where they are matched by their capabilities. I talked to a medical student and he likewise only recognized autism, he told me how learning about autism was not integrated into their curriculum. He told me about how when he was in school, high functioning special needs students were integrated for some classes like art and gym, but were taken out of the class for math, language, and science. He described how the  moment the students were taken out of the class room the were segregated out of the group. This has created a social stigma around autism and disabilities.
            In the United States  I have encountered  more of an effort to understand ASD.  President Obama is fully fund the Combating Autism Act, which provides nearly $1 billion in autism-related funding over 5 years, and work with Congress, parents and ASD experts to determine how to further improve federal and state programs. Overall there are more resources available and students are federally entitled to them. A student with autism has many resources including: a psychologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, behavioral therapist, and the list goes on and on. While the United States is nowhere near perfect, after visiting Germany and Spain, I think we are heading towards the right direction in our effort to understand autism.
We, as a group, have determined that education is absolutely, unequivocally not a meritocracy.  Well, at least, not in its current state.  Octavio discovered that teachers in Germany and Spain are educated to teach their material, not to create diverse classrooms.  While the United States fares better in this department, it is still relatively week.  This type of environment does not allow multi-ethnic kids, or even students with different cultural views, to take full advantage of the education system.  Multi-ethnic students won’t feel safe unless teachers take measures to promote classroom cooperation.  Unfortunately, that goal is far from reality.
            Roxana focused on support systems for immigrant students.  She found that there were inadequate resources for immigrant students.  The governments do not allocate very much money to help immigrants assimilate and as a result, they are put at a disadvantage.  They do not know the language or culture and have had to start their lives without a strong foundation.  The sparse services provided to them only begin to cover what they need to fully integrate into society.
            Mitchell focused on LGBTQ discrimination in education.  He found that LGBTQ students are indeed discriminated against in schools and that the education systems were inadequate when dealing with harassment.  Homophobia causes a disproportionate number of LGBTQ youth to drop out of school, think about suicide, perform worse in school, and feel unsafe.  In addition, they don’t have proper social support systems to help them through tumultuous times.  This, in turn, does not allow LGBTQ students to realize their full potential.  They cannot take advantage of the education system if they are constantly living in fear of their peers.
            I researched whether or not schools had systems in place to support kids with autism.  It turns out that neither Germany and Spain have adequate resources for these students.  Kids with autism are grouped with other kids who have mental disabilities.  Oftentimes, there aren’t even schools or special classrooms for these students.  They are integrated into regular classrooms and asked to play while the teacher addresses his/her class.  Although the United States has admirable policies toward children with autism, budget cuts have made support increasingly hard to find.  In all three countries, children with autism have a distinct disadvantage in the school system.  They are not supported as they should be and as such, they are not able to receive a quality education.

My position is that professionals should be trained in ways to ensure a free appropriate education in the least restrictive environment for all students. I believe in a classroom if I were a teacher it would not be my job to figure out if a student should be participating, but it would be my responsibility to figure out how they can participate. I believe teachers should appreciate and honor individuality and provide an appropriate and challenging education to all students. Inclusion in education should respect and build on the strengths and uniqueness each student brings to the classroom. I think that too often, students with special needs are placed in specialized programs without regard for their unique abilities or needs.Autism is becoming increasingly more prevalent. Autism does not discriminate. Autism is very real; it is very beautiful, very challenging, and very global. Overall the research reinforced my desire and passion to be an advocate for children who are habitually disregarded. Often time, parents who have children on the spectrum feel very alone and feel like they are the only advocate for their child, I want to serve as a support system and help their children achieve their potential. When systems don’t work, the responsibility falls on the back of their parents.  I feel that because I have the patience to work with children with special needs, I also have an obligation to do so. And it is a responsibility that I feel honored to have. Some further questions that arose from my project were: If the Eurozone can’t take care of their youth as promised-with education and employment, if that promise is not being kept, what are the implications of the nation’s identity? How does a country with economic issues achieve ideal education? Furthermore how do you concretely define an ideal education?
When conducting my research I was very surprised by the varying ability to recognize autism. With autism being so prevalent in the United States, and with the background information I gathered about Germany and Spain, I assumed that autism would be more broadly recognized.  Many people I talked to either hadn’t heard of autism or had some preconceived notion about it, for example Rain Man. It was very apparent to me that autism awareness wasn’t high, not many understood what autism really is. This lack of awareness even occurred as I conducted some interviews with teachers, which really begged the question: How are they prepared to encounter a student with ASD? However it is important to acknowledge that when I was undertaking my interviews even if the individual couldn’t provide me with concrete information, the very fact that they weren’t familiar with autism was valuable information.  One cultural bias I did uncover was the assumption of belief that people with special needs were somehow less than human. There is a social stigma with being identified as having special needs, through observation the stigma seemed most ubiquitous in Spain. My biases derive from my experiences with children who have autism, in school, camp, research, and personal settings. As I was doing the research I discovered how much my personal biases played into everything I did. My passion for the field and for these children made me cringe every time I came across pervasive stereotypes. During some of my interviews I had to really try to bite my tongue whenever individuals said they pitied children with autism or described their lives as full of suffering. But I realized saying nothing was more harmful because it encouraged these misconceptions, so I attempted to respectfully inform them what autism was and how contrary to common belief many children with ASD will experience more happiness and feel more love than most. I also informed them how some of the greatest minds in the world were autistic. This project is really personal because in my career I want to work with children that have autism and I want to be an advocate for children who are often overlooked and just excluded because they don’t develop typically. I also realized how much I enjoy collaborating with fellow students. I really appreciated being a part of a research group because I felt like I had the opportunity to really learn from my teammates. As I got to know them and learned their stories, I understood why they were passionate about their topic; and their enthusiasm rubbed off on me. My project was significantly enriched by being able to collaborate with the amazing minds in my group.

Bonn. "Basic Structure of the Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany." The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany. Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, Jan. 2012. Web. 24 July 2013.

Douglas, Mary Martha. "Social interactions of students with autism in general physical education." Dissertation Abstracts International Section A 70. (2010). PsycINFO. Web. 2 Aug. 2013.

Ferraioli, Suzannah J., and Sandra L. Harris. "Effective Educational Inclusion Of Students On The Autism Spectrum." Journal Of Contemporary Psychotherapy 41.1 (2011): 19-28. PsycINFO. Web. 2 Aug. 2013.

Jan Handleman, et al. "Teaching Preschool Children With Autism And Their Normally Developing Peers: Meeting The Challenges Of Integrated Education." Focus On Autistic Behavior 7.2 (1992): 1-17. PsycINFO. Web. 2 Aug. 2013.
"What Is Autism?" What Is Autism? Autism Sp
eaks Inc, n.d. Web. 15 July 2013. <>.

"Online Teaching Degree." The Inclusive Classroom Debate. Teaching Degree, n.d. Web. 13 July 2013.
"Spain — European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education." European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 June 2013. <>.

"Special needs education within the education system - Germany — European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education." European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 June 2013. <>.

Quinn, James P. Jr. "Impact of the inclusion of students with autism on the academic achievement of general education students." Dissertation Abstracts International Section A 72. (2011). PsycINFO. Web. 2 Aug. 2013.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Daily Diary Posts

July 22nd 2013

Following the three day weekend, the group that went to Portugal and the group that went to Valencia made our way home. That Monday morning we were all sad to leave Valencia, not only because Valencia was beautiful, but because that meant our time in Spain was coming to an end. We took a high speed train at 8 in the morning and made it back just in time for lunch at the dorms. It was great seeing everyone and exchanging stories about our weekends. After that we all got settled back in and enjoyed some down time as we prepared to present our assignments. We had been assigned to approach three different categories of people, older generation, a family, and youth. We were instructed to introduce ourselves... "Hello my name is ____. I'm a student at the University of Washington. I'm in Leon studying youth unemployment. This is my research question. What do you think? Is it relevant?" Granted this all had to be in Spanish. The assignment provided more struggles for some students than others, as the range in our group varied from previously knowing no Spanish and being a native Spanish speaker. Approaching a stranger can be very intimidating, but add a language barrier and the task seems daunting. At around 6 pm we all made our way to the Leon Center.  We all sat in a circle and each person had a turn to share their experience. Some of the interviews went really well for people and they found a valuable resource. And other interviews brought a lot of laughs for us. One example being Tarra trying to tell a lady that her yogurt looked good and the lady thinking that Tarra wanted to take her yogurt. This assignment definitely pushed everyone outside of their comfort zone, and it also helped us realize how many valuable resources may be out there if we just ask. 

July 23rd 2013

On this day we had our last Spanish class in the morning and then the afternoon free to do research and work on our presentations. Many of us worked on our papers and started making our powerpoints.At 5 pm Julie and Edgar came to the dorms to take us to the cooking class. The cooking class was a 10 minute walk. We got there and our instructor had already started some of the meal prep. She said that on the menu for dinner was Sopa de Ajo, Paella, and Limonada. We all helped by cutting the oranges and lemons then got the juice out. We were all a little taken a back when she added 2 bags of sugar, but we figured we shouldn't question the cook. 

We helped with a lot of the cutting and stirring, but she definitely did most of the cooking, which was probably for the best! We asked her a lot of questions about what food was most typical in Leon (paella), what dessert was her favorite (arroz con leche), when she started cooking (around 40 years ago), and overall we really enjoyed getting to know her! She told us about when she was 22 working in a restaurant and there was an international cooking competition in Leon. She entered a few of her dishes just to see how she would do. The competition is set up so that know one knows who cooked what, it is all based on the taste. She was in the park when she received a phone call informing her that she had won. She was so surprised and so excited. She went on to enter the competition the next five years with different plates, and won every time. Needless to say we were all so excited and honored to try her cooking.

All the food turned out incredible and we were so happy to have had this experience!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Bundestag and Reichstag Reflection

This tour was particularly amazing because of the mixture of modernity and history engrained  in this building. Our tour guide  was so knowledgeable about the building and everything that was taking place within the Bundestag and Riechstag. She took us to part of the building that was preserved from the past with signatures. I was amazed to examine the Soviet graffiti and bullet holes on the exterior of the building. One thing that really stuck me was the transparency of the building, not only physically but metaphorically.  The building was so accessible to the public and the tours seemed to really want the people to engage with the past and the future. I really enjoyed seeing where Parliament convened, looking up at the sky was really beautiful. In one of the meeting rooms the technology allowed the lighting in the room to convey dusk, evening and everything in between. The building was such an integration of past, present, and future. The view of Berlin from the top of the dome was definitely breathtaking. It was amazing to see the city from a different view. I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to visit such an inviting and special place.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Interview Assignment

For our interview assignment, we had to go out to the public of Spain and conduct three interviews. We had to seek out three different types of people, an older generation opinion, a family opinion, and younger generation opinion. While unlike a lot of my classmates I didn't have a huge language barrier, the idea of approaching a stranger and asking their opinion about a potentially sensitive topic was nerve wrecking. I started every interview by introducing myself. "Hi my name is Ileanna Zaballa, I am a student at the University of Washington. I'm doing research in Spain about autism in the classroom."  I generally followed that up by asking if they know what autism was.

Older Generation

This interview turned out to be far less scary than I imagined. I decided to interview the cleaning lady in the dorms. A very sweet grandmother that I got along with fabulously. When I asked her if she knew what autism was, she only broadly recognized it. She apologized for not being able to be of more help, but she said she didn't know anyone who had autism or who had a child with autism. Even though she didn't know very much about my topic, that didn't mean she wasn't opinionated.  She said private schools would be the best route because class sizes are smaller and the student could get more 1 to 1 attention. From my interview with the cleaning lady I found that autism seemed a lot less prevalent in Spain, or perhaps just less well recognized. Some of the quotes that she said really struck met. " Those kids.. it's a pity... But we all hope it doesn't happen to our kids.."  "Those poor parents, the child will always be dependent on them.. What will happen after the parents die?"  The last question particularly got to me because that is actually a common concern, parents worry about the welfare of the children after they pass, especially if they have a special needs child.  When I asked her about employment resources she said there really wasn't any, which didn't surprise me because the state of the economy has eroded resources. 


  This interview was rather serendipitous, Tarra happened to be buying a plate from a street vendor and I went over to join her. Fet de Vidre- Centro especial de empleo.  The vendor and her family were part of the employment center for individuals with disabilities. When I told her about my research and my career aspirations she really commended me and said that a person had to have something really special inside of them to want to go into that field. She said it was an injustice that there were no resources for special needs students. And injustice that "God would right." She told me about her center and how the state had only given them money 6 times since 2011, granted the state was supposed to be giving continuous and constant support. She also told me how autism is less well known in Spain, it is often more broadly categorized as a psychological disability. She also informed me how special needs students often go to trade schools that better capitalize on their abilities and prepare them to potentially enter the work force. 


On my train to Valencia I found myself sitting next to a young man who was reading a book about medicine. 30 minutes before the train ride was over, I worked up the courage to ask him about what he was studying and then I worked into the conversation my research. He was a medical student studying to be an ER doctor.  When I asked him about whether he knew what autism was, he said that he recognized it, but didn't know exactly what it was. He said that in Medical school there was no formal training to work with individuals with autism. He told me about his encounters when he was younger. He said that at his school he had some high functioning special needs students (like students with ADD), integrated for some subjects like art and gym, that were taken out for the basic subjects like math, language, and science. He explained that the moment in which the students were taken out of class, it created a divide between the two groups. Having a disability or special needs became a social stigma.

Overall in all of my interviews I was so surprised the willingness of people to have a conversation with a stranger. I also realized how many people I pass on the day to day that potentially are such valuable resources that I have overlooked. All the people I interviewed were greatly astounded when I told them that 1 in 88 children in the United States are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Retrospective Berlin Blog

Leaving Berlin is so bittersweet; while I am looking forward to adventure that lies in Spain. I can't help but feel sad to be leaving Berlin, a place that actually reminded me a lot of home! The days initially went by so slowly, but as I acclimated to the city and started forming friendships the 2 weeks flew by before I knew it. On my first day when I arrived in Germany, I guess I was feeling rather ambitious because I decided to take public transportation, transfers in all, to the hostel. I remember feeling rather overwhelmed, especially hearing all of the stops said in German. I remember thinking how out of place I felt and how I didn't think I would get the hang of the U-Bahn, S-Bahn, or anything else. Luckily two weeks later I can definitely say that was not the case. Berlin kind of felt like a second home. I knew my way around the city, enjoyed getting a little lost, and even found a favorite (and cheap) dinner spot. I feel very lucky to have had the privilege of studying at the prestigious Humboldt University, a school that has such a rich history. The atmosphere of Kreuzberg was so laid back. I would often see people walking around at 9 in the morning with beer in their hands surrounded by friends. There was a lot of music played on the streets, even the U-bahn, which would always brighten my day. While I was initially intimidated by the stern faces, I learned that if you just approached them, people could turn out to surprise you.  One of my most memorable experiences in Berlin was the interview I had the opportunity of conducting with a young teacher. It was so profound to hear his experiences and how that differed from what the EU claimed Germany's education system was set up. I got a glimpse into the German class room and was honestly amazed by how hard teachers work, but I was not surprised. I was also taken aback by the way people described autism. I found it interesting that people still said "suffered from autism" because that conveys that a person is suffering if they have autism, which is not the case. I have traveled through Europe with my family before, but being in a foreign country by myself was such a different experience. I have since realized what a good planner my mom is!On last thing that really struck me about Berlin was all the street art. It was everywhere, it was beautiful, and it really reflected the culture of the people within the city. A lot of the art has political meaning which made me wonder whether the art reflected the sentiment of the public of the sentiment of perhaps one radical individual. I'm sad to be leaving, I'm curious to see if Spain will be able to top my experience in Germany. Berlin has set the bar high.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Reflection

I didn't know what to expect when preparing for our visit to Sachsenhausen. I had read the book Night before so I had some insight into the terrible injustice that occurred at camps, but I never could quite envision it. When we got off the U-Bahn we had a fifteen minute walk to the Concentration camp, winding through neighborhoods. We later learned that this was the same route prisoners took to get to the camp. Our tour guide described to us that the people of the town claimed to not know about the prisoners of the camp. From our experience, I find this unlikely. In our tour around the camps, our guide painted a picture of what life as a prisoner was like, which allowed us to understand the suffering of those who lived there. The cabins were so interesting to look at, I was shocked to learn that 3-4 men shared a twin size bed, granted there was no mattresses.  It was really heart wrenching to see where the mass murders took place. I was astounded by the small size of the gas chamber. As I stood there I couldn't help but feel like the memorial couldn't possibly begin to convey everything that occurred there.  Our visit to the memorial is something that will be engrained in me forever.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Palace of Tears

June 25th, 2013 3:00 pm

Entering the Palace of Tears made the history more real to me. I think that it is a memorial so that the history is not forgotten, furthermore so that history is not repeated. I think the site honors both the West Berliners who were forced to leave their friends and families in East Berlin and the East Berliners who were separated from their friends and families by the wall. As I walked through the site reading the testimonials I couldn't fathom experiencing the tribulations and oppression they went through. Hearing the descriptions of the fatalities caused by individuals merely trying to reconnect with their families across the wall definitely caused an ache in my heart. It is called the Palace of Tears because it is the bitter site of tearful goodbyes with the ominous feeling of doubtful reunions lingering over those leaving. I found it interesting how the wall not only separated East and West Berlin but it also trapped those in East Berlin as the wall segregated the area from the surrounding countries. I think that the wall not only kept money, profit, and economic status from leaving the area; but it also ensured that the SED would have citizens to mandate over. I loved how the site was free to the public because it allows everyone, citizens and tourists to experience the history of the site.

Monday, June 3, 2013


What are the origins of disparities among students enrolled in education systems and how do those affect their future?  How are the underlying causes of inequality different or similar across countries?

Our group’s interest lies in uncovering the reasons why certain groups of students are treated differently both within and across school systems.  We are also interested in finding out how discrimination across different modes of education affect pupils’ development and progression into later stages of life.  In an increasingly globalized and diverse world, countries are having to deal with a wider variety of students.  DIfferent schools, teachers, and societies have reacted in different ways, which have differential effects on each type of student.  Each one of us will investigate four different areas of interest relating to education: different teaching styles, differential treatment in special education programs, the effectiveness of immigration support programs, and the impact of discrimination based on gender and sexuality.  Then, we will all come together and compare and contrast varying degrees of disparities in education among Germany, Spain, and the United States.  

    In the United States, the education system varies by state. The path of education advances from primary to secondary school and then to college or vocational school. Curriculum is organized by the state and the federal government as well as the state governments’ organized standardized tests.
    Spain has a similar system where students advance through the same stages (primary, secondary, etc.). However, after the age of 16, only successful students are awarded a Secondary Education Certificate, which is necessary for them to continue on to university. This has resulted in Spain having double the mean of the EU’s dropout rate (Simon). Furthermore, students are not assessed through standardized tests (Simon).

The education system varies throughout Germany because each state implements its own educational policies; federal government plays only a minor role. Optional Kindergarten education is provided for all children between two and six years of age, after which school attendance is compulsory. The German school system is free and compulsory until 9th grade. After the Grundschule (primary school from the ages 6- 10), teachers recommend each student for one of three different types of secondary education. Parents have the final decision about which school their child will attend.
Hauptschule is designed for students going into trades such as construction. This is completed after 9th or 10th grade (ages 14 to 16). During apprenticeships, students then attend Berufsschule, a dual-education vocational high school. The Hauptschule has been subject to significant criticism, as it tends to segregate the children of immigrants with schoolmates whose German is also poor, leading to a cycle of poverty.
Realschule is designed for students who want to apprentice for white-collar jobs not requiring university studies, such as banking; complete after 10th grade (age 15 to 16). Those who change their minds and decide to attend university can proceed after testing to:
Gymnasium is an academic preparatory school for pupils planning to attend universities or polytechnics. Some offer a classical education (Latin, Greek), while others concentrate on economics. The curriculum leading to the Abitur degree were recently reduced from 13th grade to 12th grade (ages 17 to 18 - "G8," eight years of Gymnasium).
The Gesamtschule, a mixed ability school, puts all pupils in a single building, combining the three main types; these are still quite rare.
Students with special needs are assigned to Förderschule.

Background: Roxana Rautu
    From personal experience, I can vouch that coming into a country where the native language is not your first makes navigating the educational system difficult. Yet language is only one of the barriers that immigrant students face. There are also differences in culture, beliefs and ways of thinking (Ogbu 1990). This topic is extremely relevant and important for the world today. As we have seen, the economy is sensitive and it needs more skilled and diverse workers. Education should not be a privilege, but a right for all, no matter which country they are originally from; therefore, it is important to identify the flaws in the current educational structures and work towards a solution.

Question: Roxana Rautu
    How are immigrant students supported throughout their education? What organizations and establishments are in place to aid them through the educational system?

Cultural Sensitivity: Roxana Rautu
    Though I try to keep an open mind as much as possible, I know that I am still fallible to biased thoughts. My experience has been mixed because I have been the immigrant and the native, in some ways. When we first moved to the United States, we did not have much money but I would say that the majority of my life has been privileged. I was also very young when we first moved here, so I have forgotten some of the hardships we faced. Over time, I have developed a different kind of lifestyle where I do not value material things and money as much as the American Dream teaches you to. However, I imagine it would be difficult for someone who has been oppressed and has never had enough money to agree with me. My biggest challenge will be to switch perspectives and truly understand theirs.

Daily Schedule: Roxana Rautu
    I am unsure of what resources will be available to me while we are abroad. Ideally, I would like to go to a high school and meet/talk with counselors, social workers, teachers and students. I would prepare questions and take notes during our conversations. In addition, I would learn more about the educational system in general from online resources.

Simon, Maria L.S. "The Story on Current Education Reforms in Spain: The past Will Come Back." Web log post. Education in Crisis. N.p., 21 Feb. 2013. Web.

Ogbu, John U. "Minority Education in Comparative Perspective." The Journal of Negro Education 59.1 (1990): 45-57. Web.

Background: Octavio de la Cruz
What personally drove me to want to investigate the educational system is because the career I am aspiring to become a teacher.  My selfish reasons for venturing on this study abroad are to examine the teaching techniques/styles of the teachers in Germany and Spain; then I would incorporate the methods that are effective into my own teaching curriculum.  It will further others and my own understanding of how the education system works in front of the curtains and will allow me to develop a deeper comprehension of how teachers prep and what positively effects students to succeed in school and in life following their completion with their schooling.  What I have already done to gain a deeper understanding for how the United States education system works is I have gone to two different schools and have observed their classroom settings, and interviewed a handful of students and the two teachers of the classrooms I observed.
Question: Octavio de la Cruz
What different/similar teaching techniques/styles are being utilized in each of the corresponding countries?  Do the students feel properly prepared to pursue a higher level of education and the “real world?”
Cultural Sensitivity: Octavio de la Cruz
My biases come from my family and the other classes I have taken.  My family is filled with teachers and they have already told me their two cents on the subject on hand of what is effective in the classroom and how the educational system in the United States is corrupt.  My other classes have influenced me into believing how the United States education system is corrupt because of the way that different races are treated and how teachers treat kids of different ethnicities unorthodoxly than white kids.  That when it comes to teachers in the United States the best teachers are taken away from low income areas and kids are prejudged and are ultimately left behind because of a predisposition of the student’s characteristics.  The other question that still needs to be raised as well is how much the people of these countries value their education.  I will need to forget what I have learned from previous classes and I will need to keep my own personal views away from the topic at hand.
Daily Schedule: Octavio de la Cruz
People I would like to meet while over in Berlin are a couple of the teachers and variety of different students (honor students, special need students, students with a language barrier with the nations primary language, and “regular” students.  In addition to these people I think it would be interesting to speak with the principles to hear their point of view of the subject on hand.  As far as equipment goes the only thing I’m going to need is my laptop to take notes down and to record any interviews that I have.  Then in addition with the information I gather from my personal conversations I would look to find the Linda Darling Hammond of Spain and Germany.
References: Octavio de la Cruz
Snelling, Nick. “Education system in Spain.” Expatica, News and Information for the International Community., March, 5th, 2011.  Web.
Hammond, Linda Darling.”What Happens to a Dream Deferred, The Continuing Quest for Equal Educational Opportunity.” Stanford University. article.

Background: Ileanna Zaballa

In the United States, IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, establishes the minimum supports and services schools must provide to meet minimum requirements. The federal law governs how states provide early intervention, special education, and related services. It also ensures free appropriate public education in their local school district from age 3 to age 18 or 21. In order for states to receive federal funds, their schools must meet the eligibility funding criteria of IDEA. States may exceed the requirements and provide more services. They cannot, however, provide fewer services or promulgate state regulations or practices that contradict the guidelines of IDEA.. Students with ASD have a right to related supports and services to help them learn and receive the maximum benefit from their educational programs.  If a student needs any of these "related services" to benefit from his/her education, they must be written into the IEP, Individualized Education Program. Frequency and duration of services, as well as relevant measurable objectives, should be included.

In Spain, the public administrations give students the necessary support from the beginning of their education or as soon as they are diagnosed as having special needs. The schools develop the curriculum for the student based on their needs and characteristics. They also develop an educational project, where the objectives and educational priorities are established along with the implementation procedures. The student’s education support should be in congruity with non discrimination, educational normalization, with the purpose of achieving their inclusion. Professional teams take into account parents’ and teachers’ opinions to integrate students in mainstream groups, in specialised classrooms within mainstream schools, or in special education schools.

In Germany, they are making strides towards inclusive teaching. The education system is setup so as students must earn their right to return to mainstream schools. The education authority makes the decision on whether to transfer a student following a request from Sonderschulen or from the parents. Students at special can be admitted to a Grunschule or Hauptschule if there is a chance that they will be able to “cope with lessons and achieve success”. Special education is classified with concern for the students special educational requirements into the following categories: blind, visually impaired, deaf, hearing impaired, mentally disabled, physically disabled, students with learning difficulties, students with behavioral problems, students with impaired speech, students with a disease. Preventative measures and co-operation in early intervention are becoming more and more important. “Students facing the threat of disability receive preventive  assistance to help counteract the emergence of disability.”

The topic is relevant because Autism is becoming increasingly prevalent. In the United States 1 in 88 children are diagnosed with Autism. An evaluation of how effective the education system is in providing relevant services for children with ASD is important.

Question: Ileanna Zaballa

In relation to Autism, what is the diagnostic process and interventions and services offered in the different countries? What is the difference between the services the state says they should provide and what is actually implemented? How often and how hard do school strive for inclusion?

Cultural Sensitivity: Ileanna Zaballa

My biases derive from my experiences with children who have autism, in school, camp, research, and personal settings. In my career I want to work with children that have autism and I want to be an advocate for children who are often overlooked and just excluded because the don’t develop typically. My position is that professionals should be trained in ways to ensure a free appropriate education in the least restrictive environment for all students. I believe in a classroom if I were a teacher it would not be my job to figure out if a student should be participating, but it would be my responsibility to figure out how they can participate. I believe teachers should appreciate and honor individuality and provide an appropriate and challenging education to all students.

Daily Schedule: Ileanna Zaballa

In Berlin, Madrid, and Leon I would like to interview members of the department of education, special education teachers, teachers who teach inclusive classrooms, parents, and activists. I'm hoping that interviews with individuals will lead me to more contacts that they see relevant. I want to start off interviews at schools then conduct more interviews at churches and community resources, in order to get a well rounded view of the social constructs of Autism. I plan to use cameras and video recorders to capture the environment and certain interviews. I want to gather information through photos, notes from interviews, and observations I note.  

Resources: Ileanna Zaballa

"Spain — European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education." European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 June 2013. <>.

"Special needs education within the education system - Germany — European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education." European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 June 2013. <>.

What are the origins of disparities among students enrolled in education systems and how do those affect their future?  How are the underlying causes of inequality different or similar across countries?

Our group’s interest lies in uncovering the reasons why certain groups of students are treated differently both within and across school systems.  We are also interested in finding out how discrimination across different modes of education affects pupils’ development and progression into later stages of life.  In an increasingly globalized and diverse world, countries have to deal with a wider variety of students.  Different schools, teachers, and societies have reacted in different ways, which have differential effects on each type of student.  Each one of us will investigate four different areas of interest relating to education:
different teaching styles, differential treatment in special education programs, the effectiveness of immigration support programs, and the impact of discrimination based on gender and sexuality.  Then, we will all come together and compare and contrast varying degrees of disparities in education among
Germany, Spain, and the United States.  

Background:  Group and Individual
           In the United States, the education system varies by state. The path of education advances from pre-school to primary to secondary school and then to university, community college, or vocational school.
Specialization often occurs at the university level, although students are given the option to concentrate earlier. Curriculum is organized by the state and the federal government as well as the state governments’ organized standardized tests.
           Spain has a similar system where students advance through the same stages (primary, secondary, etc.).  There are two cycles for pre-school (ages 0-3 and ages 3-6).  The first cycle is not free, but the second cycle (considered an integral part of the education system) is offered to all students [3].  Afterwards, students attend Primary Education and Compulsory Secondary Education [3].  However, after the age of 16, only successful students are awarded a Secondary Education Certificate, which is necessary for them to continue on to non-compulsory education, the Spanish Baccalaureate [1].  The others attend vocational schools or join the workforce [3].  Once in Spanish Baccalaureate, students are required to concentrate their studies in one area (typically Arts, Science and Technology, or Humanities and Social Sciences) [3].  Once Spanish students complete Spanish high school, they either take a college entrance exam to enter university or opt for vocational training [3].  This rigorous process has resulted in Spain having double the mean of the EU’s dropout rate [1]. Furthermore, students are not assessed through standardized tests [1].
The education system varies throughout Germany because each state implements its own educational policies; federal government plays only a minor role [2]. Optional Kindergarten education is provided for all children between two and six years of age, after which school attendance is compulsory [2]. The German school system is free and compulsory until 9th grade [2]. After the Grundschule (primary school
from the ages 6- 10), teachers recommend each student for one of three different types of secondary education [2]. Parents have the final decision about which school their child will attend [2].
Hauptschule is designed for students going into trades such as construction [2]. This is completed after 9th or 10th grade (ages 14 to 16) [2]. During apprenticeships, students then attend Berufsschule, a
dual-education vocational high school [2]. The Hauptschule has been subject to significant criticism, as it tends to segregate the children of immigrants with schoolmates whose German is also poor, leading to a cycle of poverty [2].
Realschule is designed for students who want to apprentice for white-collar jobs not requiring university studies, such as banking; complete after 10th grade (age 15 to 16) [2]. Those who change their minds and decide to attend university can proceed after testing [2].
Gymnasium is an academic preparatory school for pupils planning to attend universities [2]. Some offer a classical education while others provide a more focused study. The curriculum leading to the Abitur degree were recently reduced from 13th grade to 12th grade (ages 17 to 18 - "G8," eight years of Gymnasium) [2].
The Gesamtschule, a mixed ability school, puts all pupils in a single building, combining the three main types; these are still quite rare [2].
The Berufsschule combines academic studies with apprenticeships [2].  The completion of a specified program leads to certification in that particular trade or field [2].  These schools are special because they are not controlled by state or local governments [2].  Instead, they are managed by the federal government, industry, and the trade unions [2].
Students with special needs are assigned to Förderschule [2].

Background:  Individual
As with all education systems, Germany’s early and extreme tracking system for students has both merits and deficiencies.  A possible justification for school tracking is efficiency [4].  Separating students based on ability gives rise to more homogenous classrooms, allowing for more focused instruction [4].  In theory, school tracking should also reduce the possibility of leaving weaker students behind or failing to challenge brighter students [4].  However, statistics have found that Germany’s tracking system has increased educational inequality and decreased aggregate performance [4].  My proposal will focus specifically on educational inequality based on gender and sexuality.  Although I was not surprised to find that there was inherent gender bias in Germany’s school system, I did not expect boys to be the ones hit hardest by the gender bias.  Girls, on average, develop reading and verbal abilities much more quickly than boys [4].  Girls are also able to sit still for longer periods of time and better meet the social expectations of teachers [4].  Girls are more mature than boys at the time secondary education decisions are made [4].  As a result, girls tend to be recommended to academic tracks more often than boys [4].
During Franco’s dictatorship and Spain’s tumultuous past, women were denied education and shunted off into domestic roles.  However, with a new government and changing mentalities, women have begun to catch up to men both in terms of education and careers.  The number of women enrolled in college has now surpassed that of men [6].  In addition, schools are actively attempting to attract female students, oftentimes creating mentorship programs and offering a greater number of scholarships exclusively for women [6].  Although the gender gap in the professional field has certainly decreased, it will be interesting to see if soaring female participation in the education system will be able to close it completely.  As it stands now, less than 3 percent of top management in Spain’s public companies is female [6].  Women also only make about 75 percent of what men make in the professional field [6].  It would be interesting to study how changing mentalities in education led to changing mentalities in the workforce.
In general, there are many widely applicable gender biases that affect women around the world:
·         Images of scientists are predominantly masculine [5].
·         Gender bias, present in the core of scientific notion, strongly affects the evaluation and selection of women for promotion [5].
·         Stereotyping (women being inferior in math, science, and technology) negatively affects performance [5].
·         Gendered beliefs about competence affects career choice [5].
·         Despite high levels of achievement, women can feel out of place and diminish their intellectual accomplishments [5].

Our group came to our overarching question because there were common undertones related to education and discrimination in our individual research proposals.  We decided to combine all our topics into a research proposal that addressed disparities in the education system.  All of us decided to choose education because it has such a large impact on future success and later stages of life.  Decisions made while in the education system can make or break one’s future.  Ideally, the education system should be equal for everyone.  The idea is that everyone begins on equal footing and races to the top based on merit.  However, this is never the case.  Based on forces outside of their control, students are often penalized based on gender, mental health problems, immigration status, appearances, socioeconomic status, and more.  We wanted to investigate the causes of these inequalities to try and inform their reduction.  We also wanted to compare and contrast education systems in Germany, Spain, and the United States to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of each system.  Perhaps the strengths could be replicated and the weaknesses removed.  As I begin my exploration, I have found it difficult to find a properly focused research question.  It has been difficult finding a research question not too broad or narrow.  It has also been difficult finding a research question that can be investigated through feasible means.

How do gender biases in the education system affect the eventual career choices of both boys and girls?

The “individual” section of the background covers the information related to my specific question.  I chose this question because I believe that education is one of the most important factors in determining an individual’s future.  Something that has so much ripple effect from early to late stages of life should be studied extensively.  This is especially true if education systems are not doing what they are supposed to, eliminating the poverty cycle and evaluating based purely on merit.  I wanted to know what the underlying causes of inequality in education systems were.  I also wanted to know how these inequalities affected individuals throughout their lives.  My hope is that by understanding the differential effects of varying degrees of opportunity, it will be possible to reduce or eliminate them.

Cultural Sensitivity
I have only known one education system; that of the United States.  When I was reading about Spain and Germany’s schooling systems, I could only analyze them in the context of my own education.  I could not keep myself from making comparisons.  What’s more, it was difficult to avoid the knee-jerk reaction of judging these education systems based on what limited knowledge I had.  When I’m in Spain and Germany, I will need to keep in mind that no education system, especially that of the United States, is perfect.  There is no right or wrong answer.  While it is beneficial to compare and contrast, it is difficult to make new insights if I’m constantly keeping a definition of “right” in my head.  I also have little idea of what German and Spanish culture is like.  They most likely value different things than Americans do.  Although I can’t possibly expect to catch the nuances of an entire culture in two weeks, the least I can do is discard the idea that I’m an American tourist in a European country.  I’m there to learn from other people (and possibly for them to learn from me) in a respectful, engaging manner.
As for everyday interactions and cultural sensitivity, I’ll need to tread lightly when I’m having discussions with other people.  Ticks and mannerisms are different in every culture.  Some topics that are acceptable in the United States are taboo in other countries.  Offending someone is all too easy in a new culture.
In regards to investigating my subject, I’ll need to keep my initial reactions to a minimum.  I’ll openly admit that I dislike the German and US primary and secondary education systems.  However, I’ll need to put my opinions away and keep an open mind while having conversations.  People hold certain views for a reason and I’m determined to see them through.

Daily Schedule
In regards to specific places in Berlin and Leon I would like to visit, I’m not entirely sure where would be most effective.  I’ll bring a camera and a notepad for keeping notes.  I will most likely gather photos, aggregate on-site notes as well as look into statistics about gender bias in already existing publications.  I’ll hopefully try and synthesize qualitative and quantitative analysis in my research project.
  • It would be fantastic if we could interview teachers in primary, secondary, and higher education schools.
  • It would also be interesting to interview parents, specifically in regards to the tracking system, on whether or not kids are penalized for not demonstrating academic ability early enough.
  • Social activist groups targeting women’s rights would also be beneficial to contact.
  • Education reform professors
  • Sociologists studying social mobility in regards to education
  • Comparing and contrasting views of teachers in different types of schools in Germany
  • Talk to students enrolled in a Gymnasium and in Hauptschule

[1]  Simon, Maria L.S. "The Story on Current Education Reforms in Spain: The past Will Come Back." Web log post. Education in Crisis. N.p., 21 Feb. 2013. Web.

[2]  "German School System." How To Germany -. Chuck Emerson Media Services, 2013. Web. 03 June 2013. <>.

[3]  "Spanish Education System." DonQuijote. Don Quijote Salamanca S.L., 2013. Web. 03 June 2013. <>.

[4]  Jürges, H. and Schneider, K. (2011), Why Young Boys Stumble: Early Tracking, Age and Gender Bias in the German School System. German Economic Review, 12: 371–394. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0475.2011.00533.x

[5]  "Subtle Gender Bias and Institutional Barriers." Gendered Innovations. European Commission, 2012. Web. 03 June 2013. <>.

[6]  Tarzian, Joan. "Spanish Women: Breaking the Glass Ceiling." Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Bloomberg L.P., 2007. Web. 03 June 2013. <>.