Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Germany & Spain in context

Ghosts of Spain
Giles Tremlett

 This reading gave me a broad understanding of Spain's History and the deep divisions in their political system. Their presently liberal, "live in the present, and optimistic attitude came about because of their historically conservative and Franco's fascist dictatorship. I think that is attitude is rooted in their eager to forget their past. So much so in fact history is skewed and taught to cater different region's political goals. I feel like their reluctance to address their past may prevent them from moving forward as a united nation. It's interesting how Spain's reaction to historical regrets compare to Germany's.

Is their disagreement on history playing a role in their economic woes? How will reflecting on their history drive divisions within the country? Is the division between left and right still as strong as it was after the civil war?

Ghosts of Berlin
Brian Ladd

It was so interesting to discover how architecture can store such social and political history that is interpreted differently by individuals. The communist east embraced the wall as a symbol of socialism, in contrast the capitalist west resented and ignored the existence of the wall. Keeping the Berlin Wall signifies celebrating East German government, which doesn't take into account the victims of the wall and how that will continue divided Berlin. On the other hand it could serve as a memorial of their past, to ensure it will not be repeated and to inspire future generations to continually ask questions. It is all contingent on what aspects they want to forget and what they want to celebrate.

Is Berlin still somewhat separate from the rest of Germany? How much of this debate affects the general public? How does the separation of Germany to the two Berlins affect the economy?

Kotti & Co Tenant Initiative

I gained significant insight that the housing situation in Berlin is causing severe financial woes for many of its citizens. It is interesting to read how the group Kotti & Co challenged migration discrimination against immigrants in their protest of rising housing and apartment rents. They are striving to change housing policies in a way that benefits the entire Berlin population, not just private companies. I applaud their to mission to ensure that everyone in Berlin has a voice and the value they place on diversity.

Are they innovators in this field of protest? Would government involvement ease the situation?

Berlin Wall and Memorialization and Gentrification

 This article really conveys the division among Berlin in terms of their past. It illustrates the emotional debate between either tearing down or maintaining the wall. Initially when the wall was set to be demolished, the general sentiment were  of relief and happiness. However I think after time and reflection this turned into reminiscence and it inspired creativity on the wall itself.  In contrast to Ghosts of Berlin, it seems as though the common sentiment is to maintain the wall; and the demolition of the remaining pieces of the Berlin Wall has inspired a united anger towards those responsible .

Should any more of the Berlin Wall be destroyed, or should it be preserved? What is the current public sentiment about the Wall?


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